Kelly has been passionate about animals and protecting wildlife since an early age. She is an accomplished manager with more than 20 years of relationship management, operational, and leadership experience in both non-profit and corporate environments. Kelly brings an entrepreneurial spirit and a hands-on attitude. She has previous experience in software startups, outreach education, international educational exchange, film production, and field work.

Kelly possesses a business acumen and relationship management expertise coupled with a passion for wildlife and film. Additionally, she has a Master’s degree in resource management and conservation, which allows her to help enhance team growth and sustainability.  

She is a world traveler. Her travel highlights include trekking mountain gorillas in Rwanda, trekking pandas in the wild in China, and visiting orangutans in Borneo. Kelly is passionate about bringing global awareness to the plight of endangered wildlife as well as fostering community involvement. She believes species conservation must include the needs of the local people and the conservation of the lands and waters on which all life depends.

Kelly lives outside of Boston, Mass., and spends as much time as she can in nature, viewing and photographing wildlife.