Report Wildlife Crime
Marcus Westberg
The world’s most endangered species are under constant threat. Illegal trade in wildlife is estimated to be worth up to USD 20 billion per year*. Animal trafficking and wildlife crime is a systemic problem: wildlife is exploited by criminals along the entire supply chain and other illegal activities are often associated with wildlife crimes, including money laundering, corruption and document fraud. The advent of online shopping has increased the threat. An unregulated online market allows criminals to sell illegally obtained wildlife products across the globe. Purchasing elephant ivory, tiger cubs, and pangolin scales is as easy as click, pay, ship.
Maria Jose Ibarguen
How you can help:
Saving wildlife is a global problem that will take the global community to tackle. You can be part of the resolution. We have put together a compilation of sites you can use to understand how to become involved. The sites are resources you can use to report instances of suspected wildlife crimes and trafficking.
Call these tip lines to report suspected wildlife crime and trafficking:
US: Call the Federal Wildlife Service TIPs line at
1-844-FWS-TIPS (1-844-397-8477)
UK: Call CrimeStoppers at (+44) 0800 555111
Download the Mobile Reporting App:
Wildlife Witness
International Sites to Report Suspected Wildlife Crime and Trafficking
Rhino & leopard photos by Judith S. Asher